
Fri, 11/02/2018 - 11:32

We're happy to release our official unofficial music video for No Black Hole. Happy FleetFriday!

Fri, 10/05/2018 - 08:30

The band has been feigning a performance of this mashup since Gene broke into an impromptu rendition of Everlong when we first workshopped Voices nearly two years ago(?). So, we finally made it happen.

A special thanks to the Foo Fighters for writing an amazing song, and to David Cirelli for operating the camera, weight machine, and theoretical egg shaker. From left to right, Chris Hartman, Gene Wilson, and Mark Shannon.

Fri, 09/21/2018 - 11:27

We're trying something new on (every other) Friday- #FleetFriday. For this week, we put a modern spin on a centuries-old classic. Timeless and powerful, Idumea is a shape-note song deep from the heart of Appalachia. Enjoy!

Tue, 12/05/2017 - 15:09

Here's one of my favorite songs to perform! This is (most of) No Black Hole.

Thu, 08/17/2017 - 12:18

Here's a video of Gene and I performing a duet of Tricked at Cedar's first-ever And the Kitchen Sink Vaudeville show.
