This was a good year for Frederick Fleet. Compared to last year, we had more gigs and bigger audiences. We developed a longer set. We started (and will continue) recording. It might not seem like much, but I'm proud of these accomplishments. I'm thankful for my bandmates who stuck it out all year through rushed rehearsals, traveling gigs, and tight schedules; I couldn't have done this without them.
But this year had its trials. We didn't rehearse as much as I wanted, we didn't learn as much material as I wanted, and we didn't perform as consistently as I knew we could. We had too many rushed rehearsals, too many gigs that felt thrown together, and too many performances where we lacked confidence and command over the music. Most importantly, we struggled to keep a consistent rehearsal schedule.
While I'm proud of what we were able to accomplish this year, Frederick Fleet still has a long way to go. Our shortcomings are truths that we, as a band, must reconcile. I am confident, however, that we can effectively address these issues. Strategy and patience are key, but equally important is how we treat and respond to each other. I believe that we can't get without giving and that we can't improve without love.
Going into next year, I've got some ambitious goals- promises to myself for which I am taking responsibility:
- Practice more consistently as a group
- Perform with more confidence and command
- Finish recording an album
To my bandmates, I promise:
- To always try to meet you halfway
- To always show understanding and appreciation for the fact that making music is a group effort
- To always be a friend first and a bandmate second
And finally, to the Frederick Fleet fans, I promise:
- To always put myself out there and give my all during performances, be it on stage or on a recording
- To show my appreciation in as many ways as I can for those who come out to shows
- To never forget the friends, family, and fans who have done something extra to enable us to play music
Here's to a productive, successful, and musical 2018. Happy New Year!